
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daily Submission

Spent last night working on guard passing again. Nothing revolutionary. In fact they were both fairly basic guard passes except we worked them from inside feet on hips/spider guard.

When it came to rolling I had a good night. My conditioning is really starting to get where I need it to be. A few more weeks and maybe my arms won't shake by the end of practice. My half guard is really starting to come along. Yesterday, I managed to secure lockdown fairly easily as well as get my underhooks and whip up. I also managed to flow into the roll over sweep from a Old School attempt. This flow is what is missing right now. All the moves are in my head but they are not coming out on there own like they should. It looks like it is starting to change.

Here is the sweep I landed last night.

PS. That is not me, just a video I found on

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